API Reference

Understanding decimal precision is crucial for accurately placing orders on our decentralised exchange. The precision determines the allowable number of decimal places for both the price and the amount/volume when placing orders.

Key Concepts

Quote Precision:

  • Defines the maximum number of decimal places allowed for the price.
  • Example: If quote precision = 9, the price can have up to 9 decimal places (e.g., 0.123456789).

Base Precision:

  • Defines the maximum number of decimal places allowed for the amount or volume.
  • Example: If base precision = 2, the amount can have up to 2 decimal places (e.g., 123.12).

How to Find Precision Values?
To determine the precise values for quote and base precision for different trading pairs, you can query our Market API.

Understanding and adhering to these precision rules ensures that your orders are correctly formatted and accepted by the system. For more detailed information on querying precision values, please refer to the linked API documentation page.