API Reference
type Market: {
  baseAsset: string;
  baseAssetContract: string;
  basePrecision: number;
  chainId: number;
  createdAt: Date;
  id: string;
  quoteAsset: string;
  quoteAssetContract: string;
  quotePrecision: number;
  state: MarketStatus;
  symbol: string;
  updatedAt: Date;

Represents a market with its properties.

Type declaration

baseAssetstringThe symbol of the base asset.
baseAssetContractstringThe contract address of the base asset in the market.
basePrecisionnumberThe number of decimal places for the base asset.
chainIdnumberThe chain ID on which the market exists.
createdAtDateThe timestamp when the market was created.
idstringThe unique identifier for the market.
quoteAssetstringThe symbol of the quote asset.
quoteAssetContractstringThe contract address of the quote asset in the market.
quotePrecisionnumberThe number of decimal places for the quote asset.
stateMarketStatusThe status of the market (e.g., open, closed).
symbolstringThe symbol representing the market.
updatedAtDateThe timestamp when the market was last updated.