API Reference

Fetch a list of user's orders and find the current status of the order.

The 3 possible statuses returned by the API are:

  • Active : Order is open where, filled amount = > 0
  • Completed: Order is filled where, filled amount = order amount
  • Cancelled: Order is filled where, filled amount = > 0

Please also note that a users order could be cancelled for the following reasons:

  • 611 User cancel - Order was cancelled by the user
  • 711 Insufficient funds - If the user places a maker order and does not sufficient amount of token balance in their wallet at the time of order execution, their order is cancelled by the system.
  • 712 Insufficient Allowance - If the user places a maker order and does not sufficient amount of token allowance for the Tegro contract at the time of order execution, their order is cancelled by the system.
  • 811 Auto Cancel due to min match - If often happens that a users order is matched with another order but after trade execution the remaining balance inside the order is less than $2. In such a case, the remaining order is cancelled by the system.
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